Who we Are:

Browning Avenue Baptist Church is a Grace Baptist church that meets in Hartlepool and subscribes to the 1689 Baptist Confession of Faith.
 The church was founded in 1853 and has met in a few different locations before ending up at the current building in Browning Avenue.
 We are committed to following the Lord Jesus Christ and making Him known through the ministry and lives of the people who make up the church.
The membership and congregation is made up of people from a wide variety of different backgrounds.
Our final rule and guide for life is God’s word, the Bible, and so we commit ourselves to studying it together when we meet on Sundays and during the week.

What we believe as a church:

  • The unique supremacy of Christ
  • The seriousness of sin
  • Penal substitution of Christ
  • Justification of believers by grace alone
  • The sovereignty of God the Father
  • The internal work of the Holy Spirit
  • The reality of judgement
  • The priority of evangelism
  • Authority of scripture
  • The centrality of Bible teaching
  • The importance of the local church
  • The necessity of holiness

Our aim as a church:

  • Know God  - Encourage and deepen our relationship with God through Christ.
  • Love each other  - Serve each other and live out our new family connection.
  • Tell the world  - Explain and teach the good news about Jesus.
  • Train for service and to equip Christians to serve with the gifts God has given them.